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Il logo “NO AI art” è utilizzato su licenza CC-BY-SA, by Lisa Vannini

Luca “Redmage” was born in Cagliari, class of 1987. From a very young age, he became passionate about writing and fine arts, and then got bogged down in associationism, founding the D7 – Association for RPGs in Sardinia – in 2014.
Passionate about role-playing games from an early age, starting with italian RPG “La Storia Ancestrale”, he persists in frequenting artists, which fascinate him to the point of being drawn to several editions of Lucca Comics and Games. After taking home a few prizes in creative writing, role-playing game mastering, and advertising graphics competitions, he ended up stealing first place in the 2021 Quickstarter award competition organised by Tambù publishing, with the project of a bleak mutated future called 2220. He is now obsessed and won’t stop writing. For the past two years, he has been living and working in the dystopian urban landscape of Brescia.
Our writers
Andrea “Pangasio” Orrù. Class of 1987. He rolled his first die at the age of 14 and has not stopped playing since. He left his village in the province of Oristano for Cagliari and found a home in D7, the largest RPG society on the island. He goes to Lucca and wins love, special mentions and the Ruolimpiadi contest. He goes to Turin and surrounds himself with amazing people with whom he founds Fortunadado, of which he is now president. He nowaday coordinates the ToPlay play area and knows that the only thing that can stop him is cholesterol.
With (alas!) more than 30 years’ experience in role-playing games behind him, Antonio (born in 1981) also has to his credit the publication of a fantasy novel, entitled Veidarmál, plus a second novel in the pipeline, numerous short stories in the drawer and a setting/hack worthy of Sisyphus;
he collaborates with an alternative culture magazine and has many other projects more that may or may not ever see the light. He swears, however, that he will never publish a collection of poems.
In his spare time he earns a living as an engineer.
Link IG
Antonio Scalas (@theboarhub)

Illustration artists
Further Acknowledgements

Ilenia Loddo was born in Cagliari in 1989.
He developed his need to express himself through drawing and creativity as a self-taught artist until 2015, when he decided to enrol in his first life drawing course at the Circolo d’arti, to improve and turn his passion into a profession. In 2018, he attended the three-year illustration course and the annual graphics course at the Cagliari Art Academy.
Always passionate about Gothic literature and illustrated books, she found her greatest interest in editorial illustration and between 2022 and 2023 published the first two volumes of the series ‘Le terrificante scoperte del Dott. Kraus’, “Le Cogas” e “Le Panas”, published by Camena Edizioni.
She currently works as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator; she teaches Illustration, Digital Colouring and Lettering at the Cagliari Art Academy and collaborates as a graphic designer and illustrator for Camena edizioni.
Luca Pitzus was born Cagliari in 1991. Passionate about video games since childhood, he developed an unconditional love for rpgs. Final Fantasy, Pokémon, and Dragon Quest are just some of the sagas that have accompanied him over the years. Fantasy now runs through his veins; he is transported by the writings of Tolkien and Lovecraft and the myriad adventures of game-books, until he stumbles upon paper role-playing games. Explore various game versions and systems such as D&D, Pathfinder and Degenesis. After years of experimentation, he decided to develop his own game system and setting, that he plays in numerous oneshots and in an ongoing campaign that has been going on for about 15 years. He loves to devise and design material that is always different, discovering new limits to overcome every day.
“Life is a bullet hell; it’s all about understanding the pattern.”